Sunday, November 24, 2013

The First Post to this Blog

A Gift to Grandma Adams
Fall / Winter 2013

While I was still a single guy in college at BYU and starting out in my early career, a few of my siblings and I had the good fortune of living close to Grandpa and Grandma John and Louise Adams in Provo, UT. It was a cherished Sunday afternoon / evening tradition most weeks to go visit with Grandpa & Grandma, during which we would all just sit, enjoying each others' company, catching up on life and chatting.

During these visits we would learn new and meaningful insights about Grandpa and Grandma's life experiences, get updates on the faithful service they offered so consistently over the years in the Provo temple and other temples, internalize life lessons they would teach, experience the gift of Grandpa's fabulous story telling, and hear the recital of some of Grandpa's favorite quotes which he had impressively committed to memory over the years.

As a Thanksgiving / Christmas present to you this year, Grandma, Katie and I started to go through my folder of pictures and videos to pull together and share some of those treasured past memories with you and Grandpa. I know how much you disliked me recording most of these memories at the time, but we hope you appreciate and enjoy the recordings more now than you did while I was recording them... LOL! :)

Thanks so much for all the joy and goodness you have brought to our lives... especially the gifts of your testimony of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, your abiding love for Grandpa, your modest but well-kept home and beautiful yard, our dear and beloved mother, and all our amazing aunts and uncles. You have given us so much, and we will forever treasure the goodness of your life, lessons and legacy!

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to you Grandma!

Katie & Joshua Westover

The videos below are the first of more that I will be uploading on this blog. Push play below, and stay tuned for more good memories. Loves!!!!